
GP: 0 | W: 0 | L: 0 | OTL: 0 | P: 0
GF: 0 | GA: 0 | PP%: 0% | PK%: 0%
DG: Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin | Morale : 50 | Moyenne d’équipe : 71
La résolution de votre navigateur est trop petite pour cette page. Plusieurs informations sont cachées pour garder la page lisible.

Meneurs d'équipe

Statistiques d’équipe
Informations de l'équipe

Directeur généralMaxime Pigeon-Gosselin
Assistant #1
Assistant #2Anton Stralman

Informations de l’aréna

NomDelta Center
Billets de saison8,800

Informations de la formation

Équipe Pro17
Équipe Mineure36
Limite contact 53 / 50

Plafond salarial

Cap Salarial de la Saison estimé0$
Plafond salarial disponible66,800,000$
Valeur du plafond salarial spécial13,518,333$
Joueurs Inclus dans le plafond salarial15


Revenu annuel à ce jour0$
Dépenses annuelles à ce jour0$
Revenus de la saison estimés0$
Dépenses de la saison estimées0$
Compte bancaire actuel257,179,218$
Compte bancaire projeté257,179,218$

Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
# Nom du joueur C L R D CON CK FG DI SK ST EN DU PH FO PA SC DF PS EX LD PO MO OV TA SPÂgeContratSalaire
1Evander KaneXX100.007966617583879186527579708090800507703115,000,000$
2Michael AmadioXX100.00734690758183867964727471767666050740261900,000$
3Andreas AthanasiouXX100.006444807478848274697068677282720507102832,950,000$
4Michael CarconeXX100.006757688165777577486773677758500507002611,000,000$
5Rafael Harvey-PinardXX100.006842847873837270466766717159500506902312,000,000$
6Nils AmanX100.0067428575758072696666637069565005068N0222900,000$
7Kevin ShattenkirkX100.007147817579869280407769787589790507703316,650,000$
8Tyson BarrieX100.006147787676868778407768717488780507403115,400,000$
1Mason MarchmentXX100.0078636774858683854479777179685805075N02700$
2Kevin LabancXX100.007247817474828473486966637179690507002600$
3Jakub LaukoXX100.00816075747977716846666267685550050670221764,167$
4Rasmus AsplundXX100.006242797068747167576658656558520506502400$
5Alex FormentonX100.006966758165596957345463762356560506402300$
6Henri JokiharjuX100.007047827781898576407465807373630507502300$
7Pierre-Olivier JosephX100.007148797577827772407065737162540507102300$
Équipe Mineure
1Cam AtkinsonXX100.006450817864818779477171697687760507203315,175,000$
2Bobby BrinkX100.00624383816776707044686562725650050660212925,000$
3Gage Goncalves (R)X100.00584467686365636563665760635150050610212820,000$
4Luke Toporowski (R)X100.00574466666163626242605755625150050590212560,000$
5Xavier Simoneau (R)XX100.00565855705763626259645458625150050590212855,000$
6Josh Lopina (R)X100.00594370626663625955535550585150050560212878,333$
7Tyson Kozak (R)X100.0058446965605957585553535359505005056N0193900,000$
8Yaroslav Likhachyok (R)X100.00393795696261775255434743545454050530212560,000$
9Jacob Bernard-Docker (R)X100.00674677807275746740636177695953050690221925,000$
10Cole McWard (R)X100.0060417370707062644059586564515005063N0213900,000$
11Philip KempX100.0067506567686665614058546861535005062N0232800,000$
12Adam Fantilli (R)X100.00684377707678677361706865705250050670173950,000$
13Logan Stankoven (R)XX100.00634075756977636849666465695150050650193814,167$
14James HamblinXX100.006142797368716666676160636656500506302300$
15Zack Bolduc (R)X100.00624075707375636743636363675150050630193863,333$
16Raphael Lavoie (R)XX100.006647646770646366446263616551500506202200$
17Jackson Blake (R)X100.00574070706777606340606060655150050610193905,833$
18Ivan Ivan (R)XXX100.00614168636362616242615859615050050590203845,000$
19Sasha Pastujov (R)XX100.00604169636359576141595756605050050580193825,000$
20Eetu Liukas (R)X100.00614265596662605941555555585050050570203867,500$
21Alex Jefferies (R)X100.00604067626359585840555555585050050560203867,500$
22Pavel Novak (R)X100.00604067636259585740555556585050050560203846,667$
23Vladislav Firstov (R)X100.00574363626057555340515154555150050540212925,000$
24Evan BarrattX100.005055515754535050474948505151500505102300$
25John Ludvig (R)X100.007062597179736366406161686651500506502200$
26Max Szuber (R)X100.00664264666563626340625866625050050620203859,167$
27Ville Ottavainen (R)X100.00674267636863626440625967625050050620203867,500$
28Kyle Masters (R)X100.00624067636359575640555463585050050590193865,000$
29Dmitry Kuzmin (R)X100.00594067656159575740555560595050050580193795,556$
30Gannon Laroque (R)X100.00634063636456545640555562585050050580193836,667$
31Samuel Sjolund (R)X100.00393995636455803525332741325454050490212560,000$
MOYENNE D’ÉQUIPE100.0063467370697069654662606364585505064
Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
# Nom du gardien CON SK DU EN SZ AG RB SC HS RT PH PS EX LD PO MO OV TA SPÂgeContratSalaire
1Pheonix Copley100.007579778277757373747675807305070N03032,000,000$
2Joseph Woll100.0077717177767675767675705752050690241900,000$
Équipe Mineure
1Frederik Nissen Dichow100.0058676083565857545354545446050550212560,000$
2Keith Petruzzelli100.00706260656564656164655552500505902300$
3Hunter Jones100.00595555686056555157585051500505302200$
4Rasmus Korhonen100.0040384685414043433939394437050430192650,000$
5Lukas Parik (R)100.0040384678414043433939394437050420212700,000$
MOYENNE D’ÉQUIPE100.006059597759585957575855554905056
Nom de l’entraîneur PH DF OF PD EX LD PO CNT Âge Contrat Salaire

Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
# Nom du gardien Nom de l’équipeGP W L OTL PCT GAA MP PIM SO GA SA SAR A EG PS % PSA ST BG S1 S2 S3

Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Nom du joueur Nom de l’équipePOS Âge Date de naissance Recrue Poids Taille Non-échange Disponible pour échange Acquis Par Date de la Dernière Transaction Ballotage forcé Waiver Possible Contrat Date du Signature du Contrat Forcer UFA Rappel d'urgence Type Salaire actuel Plafond salarial Plafond salarial restant Exclus du plafond salarial Salaire année 2Salaire année 3Salaire année 4Salaire année 5Salaire année 6Salaire année 7Salaire année 8Salaire année 9Salaire année 10Plafond salarial année 2Plafond salarial année 3Plafond salarial année 4Plafond salarial année 5Plafond salarial année 6Plafond salarial année 7Plafond salarial année 8Plafond salarial année 9Plafond salarial année 10Non-échange année 2Non-échange année 3Non-échange année 4Non-échange année 5Non-échange année 6Non-échange année 7Non-échange année 8Non-échange année 9Non-échange année 10Lien
Alex FormentonUtahLW231999-09-13No165 Lbs6 ft2NoNoN/ANoNo0FalseFalsePro & Farm0$0$No---------------------------Lien
Andreas Athanasiou (contrat à 1 volet)UtahLW/RW281994-08-06No190 Lbs6 ft2NoNoTrade2024-07-12YesYes3FalseFalsePro & Farm2,950,000$2,950,000$2,950,000$No2,950,000$2,950,000$-------2,950,000$2,950,000$-------NoNo-------Lien
Evander Kane (contrat à 1 volet)UtahLW/RW311991-08-02No218 Lbs6 ft2NoNoTrade2024-07-19YesYes1FalseFalsePro & Farm5,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000$No---------------------------Lien
Henri JokiharjuUtahD231999-06-17No200 Lbs6 ft0NoNoN/ANoNo0FalseFalsePro & Farm0$0$No---------------------------Lien
Jakub LaukoUtahLW/RW222000-03-28No193 Lbs6 ft1NoNoN/ANoNo1FalseFalsePro & Farm764,167$764,167$764,167$No---------------------------Lien
Joseph WollUtahG241998-07-12No202 Lbs6 ft3NoNoN/AYesYes1FalseFalsePro Only900,000$900,000$900,000$No---------------------------Lien
Kevin LabancUtahLW/RW261995-12-12No185 Lbs5 ft11NoNoN/AYesYes0FalseFalsePro & Farm0$0$No---------------------------Lien
Kevin Shattenkirk (contrat à 1 volet)UtahD331989-01-29No203 Lbs6 ft0NoNoN/AYesYes1FalseFalsePro & Farm6,650,000$6,650,000$6,650,000$No---------------------------Lien
Mason Marchment (contrat à 1 volet)UtahLW/RW271995-06-18No216 Lbs6 ft5YesNoN/AYesYes0FalseFalsePro & Farm0$0$No---------------------------Lien
Michael AmadioUtahLW/RW261996-05-13No200 Lbs6 ft1NoNoN/AYesYes1FalseFalsePro & Farm900,000$900,000$900,000$No---------------------------Lien
Michael CarconeUtahLW/RW261996-05-19No170 Lbs5 ft9NoNoN/AYesYes1FalseFalsePro & Farm1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$No---------------------------Lien
Nils Aman (contrat à 1 volet)UtahC222000-02-07No179 Lbs6 ft2YesNoN/ANoNo2FalseFalsePro & Farm900,000$900,000$900,000$No900,000$--------900,000$--------Yes--------Lien
Pheonix Copley (contrat à 1 volet)UtahG301992-01-18No205 Lbs6 ft4YesNoN/AYesYes3FalseFalsePro & Farm2,000,000$2,000,000$2,000,000$No2,000,000$2,000,000$-------2,000,000$2,000,000$-------YesYes-------Lien
Pierre-Olivier JosephUtahD231999-07-01No185 Lbs6 ft2NoNoN/ANoNo0FalseFalsePro & Farm0$0$No---------------------------Lien
Rafael Harvey-PinardUtahLW/RW231999-01-06No184 Lbs5 ft9NoNoN/ANoNo1FalseFalsePro & Farm2,000,000$2,000,000$2,000,000$No---------------------------Lien
Rasmus AsplundUtahC/LW241997-12-03No190 Lbs5 ft11NoNoN/AYesYes0FalseFalsePro & Farm0$0$No---------------------------Lien
Tyson Barrie (contrat à 1 volet)UtahD311991-07-26No197 Lbs5 ft11NoNoTrade2024-06-23YesYes1FalseFalsePro & Farm5,400,000$5,400,000$5,400,000$No---------------------------Lien
Nombre de joueursÂge moyenPoids moyenTaille moyenneContrat moyenSalaire moyen 1e année
1726.00193 Lbs6 ft10.941,674,363$

Somme salaire 1e année Somme salaire 2e année Somme salaire 3e année Somme salaire 4e année Somme salaire 5e année

Attaque à 5 contre 5
Ligne #Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droit% tempsPHYDFOF
1Michael Amadio29005
3Rafael Harvey-Pinard24212
4Michael CarconeNils Aman20320
Défense à 5 contre 5
Ligne #DéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Kevin Shattenkirk34014
4Kevin Shattenkirk0113
Attaque en avantage numérique
Ligne #Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droit% tempsPHYDFOF
1Michael Amadio60005
Défense en avantage numérique
Ligne #DéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Kevin Shattenkirk60014
Attaque à 4 en désavantage numérique
Ligne #CentreAilier% tempsPHYDFOF
1Michael Amadio60122
Défense à 4 en désavantage numérique
Ligne #DéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Kevin Shattenkirk60140
3 joueurs en désavantage numérique
Ligne #Ailier% tempsPHYDFOFDéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Michael Amadio60122Kevin Shattenkirk60140
Attaque à 4 contre 4
Ligne #CentreAilier% tempsPHYDFOF
1Michael Amadio60122
Défense à 4 contre 4
Ligne #DéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Kevin Shattenkirk60023
Attaque dernière minute
Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droitDéfenseDéfense
Michael AmadioKevin Shattenkirk
Défense dernière minute
Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droitDéfenseDéfense
Michael AmadioKevin Shattenkirk
Attaquants supplémentaires
Normal Avantage numériqueDésavantage numérique
, , ,
Défenseurs supplémentaires
Normal Avantage numériqueDésavantage numérique
, , ,
Tirs de pénalité
, , , , Michael Amadio
#1 : Pheonix Copley, #2 : Joseph Woll
Lignes d’attaque personnalisées en prolongation
, , , , Michael Amadio, , , Rafael Harvey-Pinard, , ,
Lignes de défense personnalisées en prolongation
Kevin Shattenkirk, , , ,

Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column

Total pour les joueurs
Matchs jouésPointsSéquenceButsPassesPointsTirs pourTirs contreTirs bloquésMinutes de pénalitésMises en échecButs en filet désertBlanchissages
Tous les matchs
Matchs locaux
Matchs extérieurs
Derniers 10 matchs
Tentatives en avantage numériqueButs en avantage numérique% en avantage numériqueTentatives en désavantage numériqueButs contre en désavantage numérique% en désavantage numériqueButs pour en désavantage numérique
Tirs en 1e périodeTirs en 2e périodeTirs en 3e périodeTirs en 4e périodeButs en 1e périodeButs en 2e périodeButs en 3e périodeButs en 4e période
Mises en jeu
Gagnées en zone offensiveTotal en zone offensive% gagnées en zone offensive Gagnées en zone défensiveTotal en zone défensive% gagnées en zone défensiveGagnées en zone neutreTotal en zone neutre% gagnées en zone neutre
Temps avec la rondelle
En zone offensiveContrôle en zone offensiveEn zone défensiveContrôle en zone défensiveEn zone neutreContrôle en zone neutre

Derniers matchs joués
Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
JourMatch Équipe visiteuse Score Équipe locale Score ST OT SO RI Lien

Capacité de l’aréna - Tendance du prix des billets - %
Niveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Luxe
Prix des billets120806040200
Attendance PCT0%0%0%0%0%

Matchs à domicile restantsAssistance moyenne - %Revenu moyen par matchRevenu annuel à ce jourCapacitéPopularité de l’équipe
41 0 - 0%0$0$22000100

Dépenses annuelles à ce jourSalaire total des joueursPlafond Salariale total des joueursSalaire des entraineursValeur du plafond salarial spécial
0$ 36,239,167$ 36,239,167$ 0$ 13,518,333$
Plafond salarial par jourPlafond salarial à ce jourTaxe de luxe totaleJoueurs Inclus dans le plafond salarialJoueurs exclut du plafond Salarial
0$ 0$ 0$ 15 0

Revenus de la saison estimésJours restants de la saisonDépenses par jourDépenses de la saison estimées
0$ 0 0$ 0$

Total de l’équipe estimé
Dépenses de la saison estimées Compte bancaire actuel Compte bancaire projeté
0$ 257,179,218$ 257,179,218$
Cap Salarial de la Saison estiméPlafond salarial disponiblePlafond salarial maximumAu dessus du plancher salarial
0$ 66,800,000$ 66,800,000$ -49,360,000$

Charte de profondeur

Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droit
Evander KaneAGE:31PO:0OV:77
Mason MarchmentAGE:27PO:0OV:75
Michael AmadioAGE:26PO:0OV:74
Cam AtkinsonAGE:33PO:0OV:72
Andreas AthanasiouAGE:28PO:0OV:71
Kevin LabancAGE:26PO:0OV:70
Michael CarconeAGE:26PO:0OV:70
Rafael Harvey-PinardAGE:23PO:0OV:69
Jakub LaukoAGE:22PO:0OV:67
Rasmus AsplundAGE:24PO:0OV:65
Alex FormentonAGE:23PO:0OV:64
Zack Bolduc (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:63
Gage Goncalves (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:61
Luke Toporowski (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:59
Xavier Simoneau (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:59
Ivan Ivan (R)AGE:20PO:0OV:59
Sasha Pastujov (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:58
Eetu Liukas (R)AGE:20PO:0OV:57
Alex Jefferies (R)AGE:20PO:0OV:56
Vladislav Firstov (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:54
Yaroslav Likhachyok (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:53
Nils AmanAGE:22PO:0OV:68
Adam Fantilli (R)AGE:17PO:0OV:67
Rasmus AsplundAGE:24PO:0OV:65
Logan Stankoven (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:65
James HamblinAGE:23PO:0OV:63
Raphael Lavoie (R)AGE:22PO:0OV:62
Ivan Ivan (R)AGE:20PO:0OV:59
Josh Lopina (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:56
Tyson Kozak (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:56
Evan BarrattAGE:23PO:0OV:51
Evander KaneAGE:31PO:0OV:77
Mason MarchmentAGE:27PO:0OV:75
Michael AmadioAGE:26PO:0OV:74
Cam AtkinsonAGE:33PO:0OV:72
Andreas AthanasiouAGE:28PO:0OV:71
Kevin LabancAGE:26PO:0OV:70
Michael CarconeAGE:26PO:0OV:70
Rafael Harvey-PinardAGE:23PO:0OV:69
Jakub LaukoAGE:22PO:0OV:67
Bobby BrinkAGE:21PO:0OV:66
Logan Stankoven (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:65
James HamblinAGE:23PO:0OV:63
Raphael Lavoie (R)AGE:22PO:0OV:62
Jackson Blake (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:61
Xavier Simoneau (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:59
Ivan Ivan (R)AGE:20PO:0OV:59
Sasha Pastujov (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:58
Pavel Novak (R)AGE:20PO:0OV:56

Défense #1Défense #2Gardien
Kevin ShattenkirkAGE:33PO:0OV:77
Henri JokiharjuAGE:23PO:0OV:75
Tyson BarrieAGE:31PO:0OV:74
Pierre-Olivier JosephAGE:23PO:0OV:71
Jacob Bernard-Docker (R)AGE:22PO:0OV:69
John Ludvig (R)AGE:22PO:0OV:65
Cole McWard (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:63
Philip KempAGE:23PO:0OV:62
Max Szuber (R)AGE:20PO:0OV:62
Ville Ottavainen (R)AGE:20PO:0OV:62
Kyle Masters (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:59
Dmitry Kuzmin (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:58
Gannon Laroque (R)AGE:19PO:0OV:58
Samuel Sjolund (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:49
Pheonix CopleyAGE:30PO:0OV:70
Joseph WollAGE:24PO:0OV:69
Keith PetruzzelliAGE:23PO:0OV:59
Frederik Nissen DichowAGE:21PO:0OV:55
Hunter JonesAGE:22PO:0OV:53
Rasmus KorhonenAGE:19PO:0OV:43
Lukas Parik (R)AGE:21PO:0OV:42


Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
EspoirNom de l’équipeAnnée de repêchageChoix totalInformationDate de la Dernière TransactionLien
Alexander SuzdalevUtah2022128
Brandon LisowskyUtah2022177
Cameron LundUtah202244
Daniil PylenkovUtah2021186
Elias SalomonssonUtah202282
Gavin HayesUtah2022107
Hagen BurrowsUtah202497
Hugo GabrielsonUtah2021112
Ilya ProtasUtah2024103
Jack BarUtah202197
Jakob StenqvistUtah2021213
Jakub DvorakUtah2023101
Jakub FibigrUtah2024125
James ReederUtah2024129
Kirill KudryavtsevUtah2022153
Liam Dower NilssonUtah202166
Liam GilmartinUtah202186
Macklin CelebriniUtah20241
Paul LudwinskiUtah202269
Ryan UfkoUtah202190
Sam RinzelUtah202234
Sawyer MynioUtah2023126
Ty GallagherUtah2021117

Choix au repêchage

Année R1R2R3R4R5R6R7
2025Uta Uta Pit Win Uta Pit Uta Phi Chi Win Tor Mon Uta Uta
2026Uta Win Uta Uta Stl Win Uta Uta Win Uta Uta
2027Uta Uta Uta Uta Uta Uta Uta
2028Uta Uta Uta Uta Uta Uta Uta
2029Uta Uta Uta Uta Uta Uta Uta
Choix au repêchage conditionnel

La base de données des nouvelles du STHS n'a pas été trouvée ou corrompu. Veuillez en créer une de la section Gestion des nouvelles de la ligue du site web en étant connecté comme commissaire.

Utah Historique de transactions

[2024-07-19 09:15:11] - TRADE : From Edmonton to Utah : Evander Kane (77).
[2024-07-19 09:15:11] - TRADE : From Utah to Edmonton : A.J. Greer (70), Jay O'Brien (47), Lauri Pajuniemi (57).
[2024-07-12 09:36:39] - TRADE : From St-Louis to Utah : Andreas Athanasiou (71), Cam Atkinson (72), Y:2026-RND:3-Stl.
[2024-07-12 09:36:39] - TRADE : From Utah to St-Louis : Jesse Puljujarvi (70), Josh Mahura (71), Rasmus Kupari (68).
[2024-07-04 15:17:08] - 13 has been deleted from Utah.
[2024-07-04 15:17:06] - 1 has been deleted from Utah.
[2024-07-04 15:14:36] - Max Szuber was added to Utah.
[2024-07-04 15:05:33] - Utah drafts 13 as the #193 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:12:48] - Utah drafts 1 as the #161 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:09:42] - Utah drafts Max Szuber as the #151 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:06:33] - Utah drafts James Reeder as the #129 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:05:26] - Utah drafts Jakub Fibigr as the #125 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:02:22] - Utah drafts Ilya Protas as the #103 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 13:55:03] - Utah drafts Hagen Burrows as the #97 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 08:43:36] - Utah drafts Macklin Celebrini as the #1 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-02 09:25:19] - Dylan Coghlan was released.
[2024-07-02 09:25:19] - Utah paid $480,000 to release Dylan Coghlan. Utah Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $240,000. Utah Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $240,000.
[2024-07-02 08:30:41] - Team Name Change : Roadrunners changed name to Roadrunners
[2024-07-02 08:29:06] - General Manager Change : Utah hired general manager Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin
[2024-07-02 08:29:06] - General Manager Change : Utah fired general manager Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin
[2024-07-02 08:28:32] - Team Name Change : Nashville changed name to Utah
[2024-07-02 08:27:34] - Scott Reedy was released.
[2024-07-02 08:27:34] - Nashville paid $320,000 to release Scott Reedy. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $320,000.
[2024-07-02 08:26:59] - Ben Gleason was released.
[2024-07-02 08:26:59] - Nashville paid $314,000 to release Ben Gleason. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $314,000.
[2024-07-02 08:26:48] - Nick Ritchie was released.
[2024-07-02 08:26:48] - Nashville paid $880,000 to release Nick Ritchie. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $880,000.
[2024-06-27 23:26:47] - Jackson Kunz was released.
[2024-06-27 23:26:47] - Nashville paid $0 to release Jackson Kunz.
[2024-06-27 23:26:39] - Ian Moore was released.
[2024-06-27 23:26:39] - Nashville paid $0 to release Ian Moore.
[2024-06-27 23:26:32] - Jackson Hallum was released.
[2024-06-27 23:26:32] - Nashville paid $0 to release Jackson Hallum.
[2024-06-25 22:10:43] - Zack Bolduc was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Gannon Laroque was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Ville Ottavainen was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Kyle Masters was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Eetu Liukas was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Jackson Blake was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Dmitry Kuzmin was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Sasha Pastujov was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Logan Stankoven was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Jackson Kunz was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Ivan Ivan was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Alex Jefferies was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Jackson Hallum was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Pavel Novak was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Ian Moore was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:49:26] - Adam Fantilli was added to Nashville.
[2024-06-25 21:42:49] - General Manager Change : Nashville hired general manager Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin
[2024-06-25 21:42:49] - General Manager Change : Nashville fired general manager Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin
[2024-06-25 21:42:44] - Team Name Change : Utah changed name to Nashville
[2024-06-25 21:40:54] - Team Name Change : Chill changed name to Roadrunners
[2024-06-25 21:37:28] - Team Name Change : Chill changed name to Chill
[2024-06-25 21:37:00] - Team Name Change : Nashville changed name to Utah
[2024-06-25 21:36:45] - General Manager Change : Nashville hired general manager Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin
[2024-06-25 21:36:45] - General Manager Change : Nashville fired general manager Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin
[2024-06-25 21:36:45] - General Manager Change : Nashville hired general manager Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin
[2024-06-25 21:36:45] - General Manager Change : Nashville fired general manager Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin
[2024-06-23 07:52:21] - TRADE : From Nashville to Pittsburgh : Denis Gurianov (72), Patrick Moynihan (48), Sean Walker (72), Taro Hirose (62), Y:2024-RND:4-Que, Y:2024-RND:3-San.
[2024-06-23 07:52:21] - TRADE : From Pittsburgh to Nashville : Tyson Barrie (78), Ivan Ivan (P), Y:2025-RND:2-Pit, Y:2025-RND:3-Pit.
[2024-06-23 07:50:58] - TRADE : From Nashville to Philadelphie : Tobias Bjornfot (64).
[2024-06-23 07:50:58] - TRADE : From Philadelphie to Nashville : Y:2025-RND:5-Win.
[2024-06-23 07:48:22] - TRADE : From Nashville to Winnipeg : Y:2024-RND:2-Nas, Y:2024-RND:3-Nas.
[2024-06-23 07:48:22] - TRADE : From Winnipeg to Nashville : Y:2026-RND:1-Win.
[2024-04-19 17:37:59] - Nashville didn't make playoff for year 2023.
[2024-04-19 17:37:59] - Chill didn't make playoff for year 2023.
[2023-11-22 08:29:03] - TRADE : From San Jose to Nashville : Kevin Labanc (73), Y:2024-RND:3-San.
[2023-10-15 15:18:33] - New Record for Team's Most Penalties Minutes (55) in 1 Game for Nashville!
[2023-10-11 19:00:25] - Martin Jones was released.
[2023-10-11 19:00:25] - Nashville paid $3,600,000 to release Martin Jones. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $1,800,000. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $1,800,000.
[2023-10-11 18:53:20] - TRADE : From Las Vegas to Nashville : Joseph Woll (61).
[2023-10-11 16:00:46] - Nashville show interest in Joseph Woll from waiver.
[2023-10-08 23:47:26] - Tyson Kozak signed with Nashville for $900,000 for 4 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract & No Trade.
[2023-10-08 23:47:26] - Tyson Kozak was added to Nashville.
[2023-10-06 07:53:47] - Philip Kemp signed with Nashville for $800,000 for 3 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract & No Trade.
[2023-10-06 07:53:47] - Philip Kemp was added to Nashville.
[2023-10-06 07:53:28] - Pheonix Copley signed with Nashville for $2,000,000 for 4 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract & No Trade.
[2023-10-06 07:53:28] - Pheonix Copley was added to Nashville.
[2023-10-06 07:51:59] - Nils Aman signed with Nashville for $900,000 for 3 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract & No Trade.
[2023-10-06 07:51:59] - Nils Aman was added to Nashville.
[2023-10-06 07:37:14] - Cole McWard signed with Nashville for $900,000 for 4 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract & No Trade.
[2023-10-06 07:37:14] - Cole McWard was added to Nashville.
[2023-10-06 07:32:05] - TRADE : From Chicago to Nashville : Martin Jones (78), Y:2025-RND:4-Chi, Y:2024-RND:5-Chi.
[2023-10-02 21:08:10] - Josh Maniscalco was released.
[2023-10-02 21:08:10] - Nashville paid $682,666 to release Josh Maniscalco. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $341,333. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $341,333.
[2023-10-02 21:07:34] - Andrew Poturalski was released.
[2023-10-02 21:07:34] - Nashville paid $480,000 to release Andrew Poturalski. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $240,000. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $240,000.
[2023-09-08 08:42:08] - TRADE : From Winnipeg to Nashville : Y:2026-RND:3-Win, Y:2026-RND:5-Win.
[2023-09-08 08:42:08] - TRADE : From Nashville to Winnipeg : Eric Comrie (73).
[2023-09-07 19:04:00] - 7 has been deleted from Nashville.
[2023-09-07 19:03:58] - 1 has been deleted from Nashville.
[2023-09-07 18:58:02] - TRADE : From Philadelphie to Nashville : Andrew Poturalski (64), Y:2025-RND:4-Phi.
[2023-09-07 18:58:02] - TRADE : From Nashville to Philadelphie : Miles Wood (72).
[2023-09-07 14:04:14] - Jakub Voracek was released.
[2023-09-07 14:04:14] - Nashville paid $5,600,000 to release Jakub Voracek. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $2,800,000. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $2,800,000.
[2023-09-07 14:04:01] - Carey Price was released.
[2023-09-07 14:04:01] - Nashville paid $1,200,000 to release Carey Price. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $1,200,000.
[2023-09-07 11:24:54] - Nashville drafts 7 as the #193 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2023.
[2023-09-07 11:17:29] - Nashville drafts 1 as the #161 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2023.
[2023-09-07 11:12:54] - Nashville drafts Sawyer Mynio as the #126 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2023.
[2023-09-07 11:06:02] - Nashville drafts Jakub Dvorak as the #101 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2023.
[2023-09-06 20:10:48] - TRADE : From Nashville to Winnipeg : Marcus Johansson (76), Troy Stecher (73).
[2023-09-06 20:10:48] - TRADE : From Winnipeg to Nashville : Dylan Coghlan (67), Kevin Shattenkirk (77), Miles Wood (72), Y:2025-RND:3-Win.
[2023-09-06 12:22:22] - Nashville drafts Adam Fantilli as the #2 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2023.
[2023-09-05 21:51:42] - Troy Stecher signed with Nashville for $2,100,000 for 4 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract .
[2023-09-05 21:51:42] - Troy Stecher was added to Nashville.
[2023-09-05 21:51:22] - Taro Hirose signed with Nashville for $850,000 for 2 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract .
[2023-09-05 21:51:22] - Taro Hirose was added to Nashville.
[2023-09-05 21:50:44] - Sean Walker signed with Nashville for $2,000,000 for 1 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract .
[2023-09-05 21:50:44] - Sean Walker was added to Nashville.
[2023-09-05 21:50:19] - Rafael Harvey-Pinard signed with Nashville for $2,000,000 for 2 year(s).
[2023-09-05 21:50:19] - Rafael Harvey-Pinard was added to Nashville.
[2023-09-05 21:50:04] - Ben Gleason signed with Nashville for $785,000 for 2 year(s).
[2023-09-05 21:50:04] - Ben Gleason was added to Nashville.
[2023-09-04 17:56:55] - TRADE : From Nashville to Montreal : Jacob Bryson (71).
[2023-09-04 17:56:55] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Carey Price (58), Y:2024-RND:4-Mon, Y:2025-RND:5-Mon.
[2023-09-04 17:53:42] - TRADE : From Nashville to Dallas : $1 (Money).
[2023-09-04 17:53:42] - TRADE : From Dallas to Nashville : Jakub Voracek (70), Kyle Masters (P), Y:2024-RND:4-Dal.
[2023-09-01 16:30:56] - Grant Hutton was released.
[2023-09-01 16:30:56] - Nashville paid $320,000 to release Grant Hutton. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $320,000.
[2023-09-01 16:30:44] - Declan McDonnell was released.
[2023-09-01 16:30:44] - Nashville paid $560,000 to release Declan McDonnell. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $280,000. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $280,000.
[2023-09-01 16:30:24] - Robin Lehner was released.
[2023-09-01 16:30:24] - Nashville paid $1,800,000 to release Robin Lehner. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $1,800,000.
[2023-09-01 16:29:59] - Dysin Mayo was released.
[2023-09-01 16:29:59] - Nashville paid $3,720,000 to release Dysin Mayo. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $1,240,000. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $1,240,000. Nashville Year 3 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $1,240,000.
[2023-09-01 09:26:40] - TRADE : From Nashville to Toronto : Jakub Vrana (70).
[2023-09-01 09:26:40] - TRADE : From Toronto to Nashville : Y:2025-RND:5-Tor.
[2023-08-31 13:37:40] - TRADE : From Tampa Bay to Nashville : Dysin Mayo (64), Jakub Vrana (70), Tobias Bjornfot (64).
[2023-08-31 13:37:40] - TRADE : From Nashville to Tampa Bay : Oskar Lindblom (72).
[2023-08-31 11:25:20] - Oskar Lindblom signed with Nashville for $1,000,000 for 2 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract .
[2023-08-31 11:25:20] - Oskar Lindblom was added to Nashville.
[2023-08-31 11:24:49] - Denis Gurianov signed with Nashville for $1,200,000 for 3 year(s).
[2023-08-31 11:24:49] - Denis Gurianov was added to Nashville.
[2023-08-31 11:24:27] - A.J. Greer signed with Nashville for $800,000 for 3 year(s).
[2023-08-31 11:24:27] - A.J. Greer was added to Nashville.
[2023-08-30 07:48:46] - TRADE : From Nashville to Philadelphie : Max Domi (76).
[2023-08-30 07:48:46] - TRADE : From Philadelphie to Nashville : Hunter Jones (53), Brandon Lisowsky (P), Ian Moore (P), Y:2024-RND:4-Nas.
[2023-08-25 21:15:12] - TRADE : From Nashville to Quebec : $1 (Money).
[2023-08-25 21:15:12] - TRADE : From Quebec to Nashville : Robin Lehner (72), Y:2024-RND:4-Que.
[2023-08-24 17:47:08] - Xavier Simoneau was added to Nashville.
[2023-08-24 17:36:08] - Jake Virtanen was released.
[2023-08-19 15:52:17] - TRADE : From Nashville to Philadelphie : Y:2024-RND:2-Edm.
[2023-08-19 15:52:17] - TRADE : From Philadelphie to Nashville : Y:2024-RND:3-Nas.
[2023-08-11 22:36:46] - TRADE : From Philadelphie to Nashville : Pavel Novak (P), Y:2023-RND:4-KC , Y:2023-RND:4-Ran.
[2023-08-11 22:36:46] - TRADE : From Nashville to Philadelphie : Y:2024-RND:3-Nas.
[2023-08-11 19:52:59] - TRADE : From Nashville to Edmonton : Y:2023-RND:3-Nas.
[2023-08-11 19:52:59] - TRADE : From Edmonton to Nashville : Y:2024-RND:2-Edm.
[2023-04-17 13:18:26] - Nashville didn't make playoff for year 2022.
[2023-04-17 13:18:26] - Chill didn't make playoff for year 2022.
[2023-03-02 20:00:35] - New Record for Team's Most Hits (39) in 1 Game for Nashville!
[2022-11-30 20:00:50] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (24) in 1 Game for Nashville!
[2022-10-08 08:21:25] - Grant Hutton signed with Nashville for 800 000 $ for 2 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract & No Trade.
[2022-10-08 08:21:25] - Grant Hutton was added to Nashville.
[2022-10-06 21:21:21] - Michael Carcone signed with Nashville for 1 000 000 $ for 3 year(s) / Option : No Trade.
[2022-10-06 21:21:21] - Michael Carcone was added to Nashville.
[2022-10-06 21:15:12] - James Hamblin signed with Nashville for 1 000 000 $ for 2 year(s) / Option : No Trade.
[2022-10-06 21:15:12] - James Hamblin was added to Nashville.
[2022-10-02 19:56:44] - TRADE : From Nashville to Detroit : Jason Zucker (65).
[2022-10-02 19:32:47] - Tuukka Rask was released.
[2022-10-02 19:32:47] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Tuukka Rask.
[2022-10-02 13:15:57] - Mason Marchment signed with Nashville for 5 000 000 $ for 2 year(s) / Option : 1 Way Contract & No Trade.
[2022-10-02 13:15:57] - Mason Marchment was added to Nashville.
[2022-10-02 13:06:02] - Declan McDonnell signed with Nashville for 700 000 $ for 3 year(s) / Option : No Trade.
[2022-10-02 13:06:02] - Declan McDonnell was added to Nashville.
[2022-09-27 16:03:14] - Vinnie Hinostroza was released.
[2022-09-27 16:03:14] - Nashville paid 960 000 $ to release Vinnie Hinostroza. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 960 000 $.
[2022-09-27 16:02:56] - Jaroslav Halak was released.
[2022-09-27 16:02:56] - Nashville paid 1 520 000 $ to release Jaroslav Halak. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 1 520 000 $.
[2022-09-26 16:06:03] - TRADE : From Nashville to Detroit : Y:2023-RND:3-Cal, Y:2023-RND:3-San.
[2022-09-26 16:06:03] - TRADE : From Detroit to Nashville : Denis Gurianov (67).
[2022-09-26 10:07:47] - Joel L'Esperance was released.
[2022-09-26 10:07:47] - Nashville paid 640 000 $ to release Joel L'Esperance. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 320 000 $. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 320 000 $.
[2022-09-26 10:06:53] - Derek Stepan was released.
[2022-09-26 10:06:53] - Nashville paid 1 100 000 $ to release Derek Stepan. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 1 100 000 $.
[2022-09-12 10:49:30] - TRADE : From Kansas City to Nashville : Tuukka Rask (64), Jakob Stenqvist (P), Kirill Kudryavtsev (P), Ryan Ufko (P), Daniil Pylenkov (P).
[2022-09-12 10:49:30] - TRADE : From Nashville to Kansas City : Danny DeKeyser (69).
[2022-09-12 10:47:20] - TRADE : From Nashville to Quebec : Y:2023-RND:2-Nas.
[2022-09-12 10:39:14] - Jesse Puljujarvi signed with Nashville for 3 500 000 $ for 2 year(s) / Option : No Trade.
[2022-09-12 10:39:14] - Jesse Puljujarvi was added to Nashville.
[2022-09-05 10:16:25] - Void has been deleted from Nashville.
[2022-09-05 10:16:22] - Void has been deleted from Nashville.
[2022-09-02 16:43:01] - Rasmus Asplund signed with Nashville for 950 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2022-09-02 16:43:01] - Rasmus Asplund was added to Nashville.
[2022-09-02 10:50:52] - TRADE : From Nashville to San Jose : Demetrios Koumontzis (44), John St-Ivany (46), Y:2023-RND:3-Tor.
[2022-09-02 10:50:52] - TRADE : From San Jose to Nashville : Jaroslav Halak (67), Rasmus Asplund (64).
[2022-09-02 09:25:47] - Josh Mahura signed with Nashville for 1 750 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2022-09-02 09:25:47] - Josh Mahura was added to Nashville.
[2022-08-30 12:29:35] - Michael Amadio signed with Nashville for 900 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2022-08-30 12:29:35] - Michael Amadio was added to Nashville.
[2022-08-30 12:28:08] - Scott Reedy signed with Nashville for 800 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2022-08-30 12:28:08] - Scott Reedy was added to Nashville.
[2022-08-30 12:27:54] - Nick Ritchie signed with Nashville for 2 200 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2022-08-30 12:27:54] - Nick Ritchie was added to Nashville.
[2022-08-30 12:27:39] - Jake Virtanen signed with Nashville for 700 000 $ for 1 year(s).
[2022-08-30 12:27:39] - Jake Virtanen was added to Nashville.
[2022-08-30 12:27:21] - Henri Jokiharju signed with Nashville for 2 000 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2022-08-30 12:27:21] - Henri Jokiharju was added to Nashville.
[2022-08-30 12:27:07] - Eric Comrie signed with Nashville for 1 500 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2022-08-30 12:27:07] - Eric Comrie was added to Nashville.
[2022-08-30 12:26:50] - Alex Formenton signed with Nashville for 1 700 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2022-08-30 12:26:50] - Alex Formenton was added to Nashville.
[2022-08-29 14:24:07] - Nolan Stevens was released.
[2022-08-29 14:24:07] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Nolan Stevens.
[2022-08-29 14:24:00] - Mirco Mueller was released.
[2022-08-29 14:24:00] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Mirco Mueller.
[2022-08-29 14:23:52] - Matthew Cairns was released.
[2022-08-29 14:23:52] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Matthew Cairns.
[2022-08-29 13:18:03] - Nashville drafts Void as the #194 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2022.
[2022-08-29 13:10:52] - Nashville drafts Void as the #162 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2022.
[2022-08-29 13:03:57] - Nashville drafts Alexander Suzdalev as the #128 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2022.
[2022-08-29 13:00:33] - Nashville drafts Gavin Hayes as the #107 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2022.
[2022-08-29 12:55:46] - Nashville drafts Elias Salomonsson as the #82 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2022.
[2022-08-29 12:54:02] - Nashville drafts Paul Ludwinski as the #69 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2022.
[2022-08-29 12:49:44] - Nashville drafts Cameron Lund as the #44 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2022.
[2022-08-29 12:48:18] - Nashville drafts Sam Rinzel as the #34 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2022.
[2022-08-18 16:49:42] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Y:2024-RND:5-Nas.
[2022-08-15 15:09:46] - TRADE : From Nashville to Montreal : Dylan Strome (71), Markus Niemelainen (63), Maxime Lagace (59), Y:2023-RND:2-KC .
[2022-08-15 15:09:46] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Alex Formenton (67), Eric Comrie (65), Frederik Nissen Dichow (62), Yaroslav Likhachyok (56), Gannon Laroque (P).
[2022-07-23 12:00:08] - Anton Stralman has been selected as assistant for Nashville.
[2022-07-23 12:00:08] - Unknown Player is no longer as assistant for Nashville.
[2022-07-06 16:24:17] - TRADE : From Kansas City to Nashville : Derek Stepan (65), Jackson Blake (P).
[2022-07-06 16:24:17] - TRADE : From Nashville to Kansas City : Anton Stralman (73).
[2022-07-06 16:22:52] - TRADE : From Nashville to Pittsburgh : Keegan Kolesar (65), Mackenzie MacEachern (60), Rocco Grimaldi (66), Tyler Weiss (47).
[2022-07-06 16:22:52] - TRADE : From Pittsburgh to Nashville : Jacob Bryson (65), Joel L'Esperance (61), Max Domi (67).
[2022-07-06 16:20:50] - Olle Eriksson Ek was released.
[2022-07-06 16:20:50] - Nashville paid 619 111 $ to release Olle Eriksson Ek. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 309 556 $. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 309 556 $.
[2022-07-06 16:20:28] - Kristian Oldham was released.
[2022-07-06 16:20:28] - Nashville paid 448 000 $ to release Kristian Oldham. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 224 000 $. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 224 000 $.
[2022-07-06 16:20:12] - Jonathan Tychonick was released.
[2022-07-06 16:20:12] - Nashville paid 990 000 $ to release Jonathan Tychonick. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 330 000 $. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 330 000 $. Nashville Year 3 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 330 000 $.
[2022-07-06 16:19:51] - Seth Barton was released.
[2022-07-06 16:19:51] - Nashville paid 999 000 $ to release Seth Barton. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 333 000 $. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 333 000 $. Nashville Year 3 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 333 000 $.
[2022-07-04 14:59:08] - TRADE : From Nashville to Winnipeg : Kevin Labanc (65), Y:2022-RND:4-Phi.
[2022-07-04 14:59:08] - TRADE : From Winnipeg to Nashville : Rafael Harvey-Pinard (60), Jackson Hallum (P).
[2022-07-04 14:58:11] - TRADE : From Nashville to St-Louis : Blake McLaughlin (49), Casey DeSmith (70), Oskar Back (55).
[2022-07-04 14:58:11] - TRADE : From St-Louis to Nashville : Xavier Simoneau (P), Y:2022-RND:4-Mon.
[2022-06-23 15:11:19] - Krystof Hrabik was released.
[2022-06-23 15:11:19] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Krystof Hrabik.
[2022-06-23 15:11:10] - Hunter Skinner was released.
[2022-06-23 15:11:10] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Hunter Skinner.
[2022-06-23 15:10:59] - Henri Nikkanen was released.
[2022-06-23 15:10:59] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Henri Nikkanen.
[2022-06-23 15:10:45] - Martin Has was released.
[2022-06-23 15:10:45] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Martin Has.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Rasmus Korhonen was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Josh Lopina was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Hunter Skinner was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Samuel Sjolund was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Luke Toporowski was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Patrick Moynihan was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Martin Has was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Krystof Hrabik was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Henri Nikkanen was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Lukas Parik was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Vladislav Firstov was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Gage Goncalves was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:56] - Bobby Brink was added to Nashville.
[2022-06-23 14:59:31] - Bobby Ryan was released.
[2022-04-18 11:02:52] - Nashville didn't make playoff for year 2021.
[2022-04-18 11:02:52] - Chill didn't make playoff for year 2021.
[2022-03-21 07:55:56] - TRADE : From Ottawa to Nashville : Mackenzie MacEachern (59), Y:2023-RND:2-KC .
[2022-03-21 07:55:56] - TRADE : From Nashville to Ottawa : Anthony Mantha (69).
[2022-03-18 20:00:19] - Pierre-Olivier Joseph has been selected as captain for Nashville.
[2022-03-18 20:00:19] - Unknown Player is no longer captain for Nashville.
[2022-03-16 11:33:01] - TRADE : From Nashville to Philadelphie : Morgan Geekie (58), Dillon Hamaliuk (P).
[2022-03-16 11:33:01] - TRADE : From Philadelphie to Nashville : Casey DeSmith (66).
[2022-03-15 12:03:45] - General Manager Change : Nashville hired general manager Maxime Pigeon-Gosselin
[2022-03-15 12:03:45] - General Manager Change : Nashville fired general manager Yvon Bergeron
[2022-03-14 08:29:49] - TRADE : From Nashville to Kansas City : Derick Brassard (70), Josh Manson (71), Matt Filipe (53), Y:2022-RND:2-Har, Y:2022-RND:3-Pit, Y:2022-RND:5-Van.
[2022-03-14 08:29:49] - TRADE : From Kansas City to Nashville : Jay O'Brien (51), Lauri Pajuniemi (58), Scott Reedy (56), Sean Walker (67).
[2022-03-11 11:18:33] - TRADE : From Nashville to St-Louis : Mackenzie Blackwood (70), Y:2022-RND:5-Ott.
[2022-03-11 11:18:33] - TRADE : From St-Louis to Nashville : Oskar Lindblom (64), Bobby Brink (P), Lukas Parik (P), Luke Toporowski (P).
[2022-03-04 08:23:02] - TRADE : From Nashville to Toronto : Ilya Kovalchuk (67).
[2022-03-04 08:23:02] - TRADE : From Toronto to Nashville : Bobby Ryan (66).
[2022-03-04 08:22:49] - TRADE : From Nashville to Calgary : Michael Bunting (64).
[2022-03-04 08:22:49] - TRADE : From Calgary to Nashville : Anthony Mantha (69), Rasmus Kupari (62), Y:2023-RND:3-Cal.
[2022-03-02 09:09:06] - TRADE : From Nashville to Buffalo : Jake Evans (62).
[2022-03-02 09:09:06] - TRADE : From Buffalo to Nashville : Gage Goncalves (P), Y:2022-RND:4-Buf.
[2022-01-31 15:49:47] - TRADE : From Vancouver to Nashville : Y:2022-RND:3-Ott.
[2022-01-31 15:49:47] - TRADE : From Nashville to Vancouver : Y:2022-RND:3-Nas.
[2022-01-27 08:25:56] - TRADE : From Nashville to Pittsburgh : Nick Schmaltz (69).
[2022-01-27 08:25:56] - TRADE : From Pittsburgh to Nashville : Vladislav Firstov (P), Y:2022-RND:3-Pit.
[2022-01-25 08:42:21] - TRADE : From Philadelphie to Nashville : Jake Evans (62), Y:2022-RND:5-Ott.
[2022-01-25 08:42:21] - TRADE : From Nashville to Philadelphie : Tommy Novak (67).
[2022-01-24 20:00:23] - Anton Stralman has been selected as assistant for Nashville.
[2022-01-24 20:00:23] - Vinnie Hinostroza is no longer as assistant for Nashville.
[2022-01-24 20:00:23] - Jason Zucker has been selected as assistant for Nashville.
[2022-01-24 20:00:23] - Unknown Player is no longer as assistant for Nashville.
[2022-01-24 08:05:06] - TRADE : From St-Louis to Nashville : Blake McLaughlin (51), Y:2022-RND:3-Stl.
[2022-01-24 08:05:06] - TRADE : From Nashville to St-Louis : Charlie Coyle (69).
[2022-01-20 08:31:36] - TRADE : From Kansas City to Nashville : Jacob Bernard-Docker (53), Y:2022-RND:2-Har, Y:2022-RND:2-Min.
[2022-01-20 08:31:36] - TRADE : From Nashville to Kansas City : Anthony DeAngelo (65), Y:2025-RND:5-Nas.
[2022-01-17 20:00:31] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (22) in 1 Game for Nashville!
[2021-12-27 12:07:30] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Nick Ritchie (66).
[2021-12-27 12:07:30] - TRADE : From Nashville to Montreal : Jesper Fast (68).
[2021-12-08 20:00:40] - Vinnie Hinostroza has been selected as assistant for Nashville.
[2021-12-08 20:00:40] - Unknown Player is no longer as assistant for Nashville.
[2021-12-08 20:00:40] - Charlie Coyle has been selected as assistant for Nashville.
[2021-12-08 20:00:40] - Unknown Player is no longer as assistant for Nashville.
[2021-12-02 00:10:59] - TRADE : From Nashville to Pittsburgh : Luke Green (50), Tyler Bozak (70).
[2021-12-02 00:10:59] - TRADE : From Pittsburgh to Nashville : Charlie Coyle (69), Rocco Grimaldi (63), Y:2022-RND:5-Van.
[2021-11-06 09:59:06] - TRADE : From Nashville to Pittsburgh : Pavel Buchnevich (74).
[2021-11-06 09:59:06] - TRADE : From Pittsburgh to Nashville : Kevin Labanc (69), Joshua Lopina (P), Y:2023-RND:3-San.
[2021-10-13 20:00:19] - Tyler Bozak has been selected as assistant for Nashville.
[2021-10-13 20:00:19] - Unknown Player is no longer as assistant for Nashville.
[2021-10-13 20:00:19] - Pavel Buchnevich has been selected as assistant for Nashville.
[2021-10-13 20:00:19] - Unknown Player is no longer as assistant for Nashville.
[2021-10-13 20:00:19] - Josh Manson has been selected as captain for Nashville.
[2021-10-13 20:00:19] - Unknown Player is no longer captain for Nashville.
[2021-09-28 13:43:46] - TRADE : From Pittsburgh to Nashville : Ilya Kovalchuk (67).
[2021-09-28 13:43:46] - TRADE : From Nashville to Pittsburgh : Y:2024-RND:5-Nas.
[2021-09-24 10:54:55] - Troy Stecher signed with Nashville for 2 600 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2021-09-24 10:54:55] - Troy Stecher was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-24 10:31:32] - TRADE : From Philadelphie to Nashville : Jesper Fast (68), Y:2022-RND:4-Phi.
[2021-09-24 10:31:32] - TRADE : From Nashville to Philadelphie : Casey DeSmith (66), Y:2023-RND:5-Car.
[2021-09-22 11:04:10] - TRADE : From Detroit to Nashville : Troy Stecher (67).
[2021-09-22 11:04:10] - TRADE : From Nashville to Detroit : Y:2022-RND:4-Nas.
[2021-09-17 00:12:10] - TRADE : From Nashville to Toronto : Joonas Korpisalo (64), Vitaly Abramov (59).
[2021-09-17 00:12:10] - TRADE : From Toronto to Nashville : Max Lagace (60), Vinnie Hinostroza (65), Y:2023-RND:3-Tor.
[2021-09-13 23:31:59] - TRADE : From Nashville to Pittsburgh : Y:2022-RND:1-Car.
[2021-09-13 23:31:59] - TRADE : From Pittsburgh to Nashville : Pierre-Olivier Joseph (65).
[2021-09-13 09:28:03] - Michael Bunting signed with Nashville for 1 800 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2021-09-13 09:28:03] - Michael Bunting was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-12 20:33:50] - TRADE : From Nashville to Calgary : Adam Gaudette (61), Nico Hischier (71).
[2021-09-12 20:33:50] - TRADE : From Calgary to Nashville : Josh Manson (71), Mackenzie Blackwood (70).
[2021-09-12 20:33:24] - TRADE : From Nashville to Vancouver : 1 $ (Money), Y:2022-RND:3-Ott, Y:2023-RND:5-Nas.
[2021-09-12 20:33:24] - TRADE : From Vancouver to Nashville : Michael Bunting (64).
[2021-09-12 09:10:31] - Jamie Benn was released.
[2021-09-12 09:10:31] - Nashville paid 17 600 000 $ to release Jamie Benn. Nashville Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 4 400 000 $. Nashville Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 4 400 000 $. Nashville Year 3 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 4 400 000 $. Nashville Year 4 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by 4 400 000 $.
[2021-09-08 12:09:21] - Jordan Sambrook was released.
[2021-09-08 12:09:21] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Jordan Sambrook.
[2021-09-08 12:09:08] - Chris Martenet was released.
[2021-09-08 12:09:08] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Chris Martenet.
[2021-09-07 17:35:37] - Tommy Novak signed with Nashville for 650 000 $ for 4 year(s).
[2021-09-07 17:35:37] - Tommy Novak was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-07 17:35:22] - Kristian Oldham signed with Nashville for 560 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2021-09-07 17:35:22] - Kristian Oldham was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-07 17:35:06] - Keegan Kolesar signed with Nashville for 750 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2021-09-07 17:35:06] - Keegan Kolesar was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-07 17:34:50] - Jason Zucker signed with Nashville for 4 000 000 $ for 4 year(s).
[2021-09-07 17:34:50] - Jason Zucker was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-07 17:34:33] - Dylan Strome signed with Nashville for 3 300 000 $ for 3 year(s).
[2021-09-07 17:34:33] - Dylan Strome was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-07 17:34:16] - Adam Gaudette signed with Nashville for 1 800 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2021-09-07 17:34:16] - Adam Gaudette was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-07 17:34:02] - A.J. Greer signed with Nashville for 800 000 $ for 2 year(s).
[2021-09-07 17:34:02] - A.J. Greer was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-07 16:02:34] - Nikita Korostelev was released.
[2021-09-07 16:02:34] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Nikita Korostelev.
[2021-09-07 16:02:26] - Gustav Bouramman was released.
[2021-09-07 16:02:26] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Gustav Bouramman.
[2021-09-07 16:02:19] - Filip Ahl was released.
[2021-09-07 16:02:19] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Filip Ahl.
[2021-09-07 16:02:14] - Brett Connolly was released.
[2021-09-07 16:02:14] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Brett Connolly.
[2021-09-07 16:02:02] - Adam Marsh was released.
[2021-09-07 16:02:02] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Adam Marsh.
[2021-09-07 15:49:57] - Mark Barberio was released.
[2021-09-07 15:49:57] - Cory Conacher was released.
[2021-09-05 11:15:54] - Seth Barton was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 10:28:28] - Radim Salda was released.
[2021-09-05 10:28:28] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Radim Salda.
[2021-09-05 10:28:22] - Nando Eggenberger was released.
[2021-09-05 10:28:22] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Nando Eggenberger.
[2021-09-05 10:28:14] - Alex Rauhauser was released.
[2021-09-05 10:28:14] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Alex Rauhauser.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - John Ludvig was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Radim Salda was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Alex Rauhauser was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Josh Maniscalco was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Raphael Lavoie was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Nando Eggenberger was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Demetrios Koumontzis was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - John St-Ivany was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Tyler Weiss was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Jakub Lauko was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Oskar Back was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:54:22] - Jonathan Tychonick was added to Nashville.
[2021-09-05 09:53:25] - Andy Miele was released.
[2021-09-05 09:53:25] - Chris Terry was released.
[2021-08-19 06:53:03] - 10 has been deleted from Nashville.
[2021-08-19 06:47:20] - Nashville drafts 10 as the #190 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-19 06:42:01] - Nashville drafts Ville Ottavainen as the #159 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-19 06:40:32] - Nashville drafts Rasmus Korhonen as the #148 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-19 06:35:59] - Nashville drafts Ty Gallagher as the #117 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-19 06:35:12] - Nashville drafts Hugo Gabrielson as the #112 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-19 06:33:45] - Nashville drafts Eetu Liukas as the #103 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-19 06:32:37] - Nashville drafts Jack Bar as the #97 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-19 06:30:21] - Nashville drafts Liam Gilmartin as the #86 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-19 06:27:19] - Nashville drafts Liam Dower Nilsson as the #66 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-19 06:27:07] - Nashville drafts Dmitry Kuzmin as the #65 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-18 15:43:15] - Nashville drafts Sasha Pastujov as the #35 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-18 15:42:07] - Nashville drafts Logan Stankoven as the #28 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-18 15:34:09] - TRADE : From Ottawa to Nashville : Y:2021-RND:1-Stl, Y:2022-RND:3-Ott.
[2021-08-18 15:34:09] - TRADE : From Nashville to Ottawa : Y:2021-RND:1-Que.
[2021-08-18 14:37:44] - Nashville drafts Zachary Bolduc as the #17 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2021.
[2021-08-17 09:00:34] - TRADE : From Nashville to Pittsburgh : Dysin Mayo (59), Y:2021-RND:5-Min.
[2021-08-17 09:00:34] - TRADE : From Pittsburgh to Nashville : Anton Stralman (69).
[2021-08-17 08:55:39] - TRADE : From Nashville to Montreal : Jared McCann (67), Y:2021-RND:2-Phi, Y:2024-RND:4-Nas.
[2021-08-17 08:55:39] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Jason Zucker (69), Y:2021-RND:1-Que.
[2021-07-28 11:09:22] - TRADE : From Nashville to Buffalo : Ryan Suter (75).
[2021-07-28 11:09:22] - TRADE : From Buffalo to Nashville : Anthony DeAngelo (67).
[2021-05-08 20:00:16] - Chill was eliminated at round 1 of year 2020.
[2021-04-27 07:28:16] - Nashville didn't make playoff for year 2020.
[2021-03-14 10:58:27] - TRADE : From Nashville to Montreal : Nick Bonino (71).
[2021-03-14 10:58:27] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Marcus Johansson (69), Michael Amadio (61).
[2021-03-14 10:30:41] - TRADE : From Kansas City to Nashville : Tyler Bozak (67), Josh Maniscalco (P).
[2021-03-14 10:30:41] - TRADE : From Nashville to Kansas City : Derek Ryan (66).
[2021-03-14 10:28:40] - TRADE : From Nashville to Caroline : Dustin Brown (71), Luca Sbisa (66), Mario Ferraro (64).
[2021-03-14 10:28:40] - TRADE : From Caroline to Nashville : Henri Jokiharju (66), Nick Bonino (71), Y:2022-RND:1-Car.
[2021-03-08 21:53:09] - TRADE : From Nashville to Edmonton : Clayton Keller (68), Brendan Lemieux (64).
[2021-03-08 21:53:09] - TRADE : From Edmonton to Nashville : Evan Barratt (55), Nico Hischier (70), John St-Ivany (P).
[2021-03-06 07:41:21] - TRADE : From Nashville to Montreal : 1 $ (Money).
[2021-03-06 07:41:21] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Mirco Mueller (65), Y:2023-RND:5-Car.
[2021-02-09 12:08:01] - TRADE : From Calgary to Nashville : Y:2021-RND:3-Cal, Y:2021-RND:5-Cal.
[2021-02-09 12:08:01] - TRADE : From Nashville to Calgary : Dmitry Kulikov (67).
[2021-02-08 09:09:51] - TRADE : From Ottawa to Nashville : Jamie Benn (71).
[2021-02-08 09:09:51] - TRADE : From Nashville to Ottawa : Joe Thornton (68), Kevin Shattenkirk (68).
[2020-12-04 08:47:14] - TRADE : From Buffalo to Nashville : Ryan Suter (75), Clayton Keller (68), Y:2021-RND:1-Buf.
[2020-12-04 08:47:14] - TRADE : From Nashville to Buffalo : Michael Garteig (43), Mikko Rantanen (72).
[2020-12-02 11:03:52] - TRADE : From Vancouver to Nashville : Y:2021-RND:3-Tor, Y:2021-RND:5-Min.
[2020-12-02 11:03:52] - TRADE : From Nashville to Vancouver : Brandon Sutter (67).
[2020-12-02 11:03:09] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Derek Ryan (66), Pavel Buchnevich (69), Patrick Moynihan (P).
[2020-12-02 11:03:09] - TRADE : From Nashville to Montreal : Jonathan Marchessault (70), Josh Bailey (71), Y:2023-RND:4-Nas.
[2020-12-02 11:02:08] - TRADE : From Ottawa to Nashville : Brendan Lemieux (64), Dmitry Kulikov (67), Jared McCann (67), Joe Thornton (68), Mario Ferraro (64), Y:2021-RND:2-Phi.
[2020-12-02 11:02:08] - TRADE : From Nashville to Ottawa : Jan Rutta (63), John Marino (68), Kent Simpson (39), Niklas Hjalmarsson (68).
[2020-11-30 09:14:50] - TRADE : From Pittsburgh to Nashville : Kevin Shattenkirk (68), Vitaly Abramov (61), Raphael Lavoie (P).
[2020-11-30 09:14:50] - TRADE : From Nashville to Pittsburgh : Mikkel Boedker (63), Nick Leddy (70).
[2020-11-24 11:25:55] - TRADE : From Nashville to Kansas City : Dmitry Sokolov (59), Filip Chlapik (61), Trevor Daley (66).
[2020-11-24 11:25:55] - TRADE : From Kansas City to Nashville : Dustin Brown (71), Gustav Bouramman (36), Jan Rutta (63).
[2020-11-24 11:25:15] - TRADE : From Nashville to Montreal : Connor Murphy (70), Jack Rodewald (56).
[2020-11-24 11:25:15] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Brett Connolly (66), Matt Filipe (40).
[2020-11-24 11:24:47] - TRADE : From Nashville to Islanders : David Krejci (70).
[2020-11-24 11:24:47] - TRADE : From Islanders to Nashville : Josh Bailey (71).
[2020-11-24 11:23:49] - TRADE : From Nashville to Tampa Bay : Artem Anisimov (67).
[2020-11-24 11:23:49] - TRADE : From Tampa Bay to Nashville : Brandon Sutter (67).
[2020-11-15 07:56:27] - TRADE : From Nashville to St-Louis : Max Pacioretty (72).
[2020-11-15 07:56:27] - TRADE : From St-Louis to Nashville : Jonathan Marchessault (70).
[2020-11-04 09:59:03] - TRADE : From Montreal to Nashville : Dylan Strome (67), John Marino (68), Joonas Korpisalo (68), Nick Schmaltz (67).
[2020-11-04 09:59:03] - TRADE : From Nashville to Montreal : Jacob Markstrom (77), Max Domi (70), Neal Pionk (69).
[2020-10-13 12:36:35] - Nashville drafts Jackson Kunz as the #199 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2020.
[2020-10-13 12:33:11] - TRADE : From Nashville to Calgary : Y:2020-RND:7-Nas.
[2020-10-13 12:25:31] - TRADE : From Detroit to Nashville : Y:2020-RND:7-Det.
[2020-10-13 12:15:14] - Nashville drafts Alex Jefferies as the #185 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2020.
[2020-10-13 11:03:52] - TRADE : From Calgary to Nashville : Y:2020-RND:7-Nas.
[2020-10-13 10:58:16] - TRADE : From Quebec to Nashville : Y:2020-RND:6-Nas.
[2020-10-09 14:11:25] - Cory Conacher signed with Nashville for 600 000 $ for 1 year(s) / Option : No Trade.
[2020-10-09 14:11:25] - Cory Conacher was added to Nashville.
[2020-10-09 14:11:10] - Chris Terry signed with Nashville for 860 000 $ for 1 year(s) / Option : No Trade.
[2020-10-09 14:11:10] - Chris Terry was added to Nashville.
[2020-10-09 14:10:03] - Andy Miele signed with Nashville for 600 000 $ for 1 year(s) / Option : No Trade.
[2020-10-09 14:10:03] - Andy Miele was added to Nashville.
[2020-10-09 13:54:56] - TRADE : From Boston to Nashville : Y:2021-RND:4-Bos, Y:2021-RND:4-Cal.
[2020-10-09 13:54:56] - TRADE : From Nashville to Boston : Y:2020-RND:5-Car, Y:2020-RND:5-Ott, Y:2020-RND:4-Was.
[2020-10-08 11:55:23] - TRADE : From Nashville to Ottawa : Y:2022-RND:1-Nas.
[2020-10-08 11:55:23] - TRADE : From Ottawa to Nashville : Jake Virtanen (66).
[2020-09-27 08:28:14] - TRADE : From Detroit to Nashville : Mikkel Boedker (63).
[2020-09-27 08:28:14] - TRADE : From Nashville to Detroit : 1 $ (Money).
[2020-09-26 09:30:37] - Thomas Novak was released by Nashville
[2020-09-26 09:20:41] - Tommy Novak was added to Nashville.
[2020-09-17 08:06:27] - TRADE : From Nashville to Caroline : Timo Meier (71).
[2020-09-17 08:06:27] - TRADE : From Caroline to Nashville : Max Domi (70), Morgan Geekie (60).
[2020-09-14 23:14:55] - TRADE : From Nashville to Edmonton : Jamie Oleksiak (66).
[2020-09-14 23:14:55] - TRADE : From Edmonton to Nashville : Tyler Weiss (P), Y:2020-RND:5-Car.
[2020-09-12 08:54:38] - TRADE : From Nashville to Toronto : Todd Burgess (37).
[2020-09-12 08:54:38] - TRADE : From Toronto to Nashville : Michael Garteig (43).
[2020-09-11 09:52:54] - Cody Goloubef was released.
[2020-09-11 09:52:54] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Cody Goloubef.
[2020-09-11 09:52:49] - Anton Stralman was released.
[2020-09-11 09:52:49] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release Anton Stralman.
[2020-09-09 12:17:02] - T.J. Tynan was released.
[2020-09-09 12:17:02] - Nashville paid 0 $ to release T.J. Tynan.

[2024-07-19 09:15:11] TRADE : From Edmonton to Utah : Evander Kane (77).
[2024-07-19 09:15:11] TRADE : From Utah to Edmonton : A.J. Greer (70), Jay O'Brien (47), Lauri Pajuniemi (57).
[2024-07-12 09:36:39] TRADE : From St-Louis to Utah : Andreas Athanasiou (71), Cam Atkinson (72), Y:2026-RND:3-Stl.
[2024-07-12 09:36:39] TRADE : From Utah to St-Louis : Jesse Puljujarvi (70), Josh Mahura (71), Rasmus Kupari (68).
[2024-07-08 10:51:52] Roadrunners roster errors : Not enough Players available in Pro Team! 19 Dressed. 20 Required. Some errors will be automatically fixed.
[2024-07-08 10:51:52] Utah roster errors : Not enough Centers available in Pro Team! 1 Dressed. 3 Required. Not enough Forward available in Pro Team! 5 Dressed. 9 Required. Not enough Defenseman available in Pro Team! 2 Dressed. 6 Required. Not enough Players available in Pro Team! 7 Dressed. 18 Required. Some errors will be automatically fixed.
[2024-07-04 15:17:08] 13 has been deleted from Utah.
[2024-07-04 15:17:06] 1 has been deleted from Utah.
[2024-07-04 15:14:36] Max Szuber was added to Utah.
[2024-07-04 15:12:59] Roadrunners roster errors : Not enough Players available in Pro Team! 19 Dressed. 20 Required. Some errors will be automatically fixed.
[2024-07-04 15:12:59] Utah roster errors : Not enough Centers available in Pro Team! 1 Dressed. 3 Required. Not enough Forward available in Pro Team! 5 Dressed. 9 Required. Not enough Defenseman available in Pro Team! 2 Dressed. 6 Required. Not enough Players available in Pro Team! 7 Dressed. 18 Required. Some errors will be automatically fixed.
[2024-07-04 15:05:33] Utah drafts 13 as the #193 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:12:48] Utah drafts 1 as the #161 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:09:42] Utah drafts Max Szuber as the #151 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:06:33] Utah drafts James Reeder as the #129 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:05:26] Utah drafts Jakub Fibigr as the #125 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 14:02:22] Utah drafts Ilya Protas as the #103 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 13:55:03] Utah drafts Hagen Burrows as the #97 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-04 08:43:36] Utah drafts Macklin Celebrini as the #1 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2024.
[2024-07-02 09:25:19] Dylan Coghlan was released by Utah.
[2024-07-02 09:25:19] Utah paid $480,000 to release Dylan Coghlan. Utah Year 1 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $240,000. Utah Year 2 Special Salary Cap Value Increase by $240,000.
[2024-07-02 09:25:13] Utah roster errors : Not enough Centers available in Pro Team! 1 Dressed. 3 Required. Not enough Forward available in Pro Team! 5 Dressed. 9 Required. Not enough Defenseman available in Pro Team! 2 Dressed. 6 Required. Not enough Players available in Pro Team! 7 Dressed. 18 Required. Some errors will be automatically fixed.

Pas de blessure ou de suspension.

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Utah Leaders des statistiques des gardiens (saison régulière)


Utah Statistiques de l'Équipe de Carrière


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Utah Leaders des statistiques des gardiens (séries éliminatoires)